Moreover, there are so many articles online, and it adds to the difficulty of choosing a great article to write. The topics you might think of are probably already published on other websites. If not, you might have already shared the same story on your blog. Of course, you do not want your visitors to read the same topic over and over, right?
To solve your problem, here are few effective ways for you to generate interesting topics that readers will actually love:
While the term might sound new to you, it is actually a long used style to get traffic sans the effort of thinking a topic to write. In newsjacking you simply look for trending topics in Google Trends, Yahoo Site, or Twitter and write something about them. The article rides on the topic’s search volume, increasing the chance of readership while the topic is still popular.
Viral Videos and Photos
You can also write articles about trending videos and photos. Websites like Hello Giggles and Elite Daily love sharing posts like these. Since the videos are viral, readers are likely to get curious about your blog post. What is great about this type of post, is that you do not have to think too much in creating the article. Just write a few introductions, describe what is happening in the video, tell why it is trending, share a few of your thoughts, and then you have yourself a great blog post.
Related Websites
If you are having a difficult time thinking of what to write, maybe competing sites can help you. Check out other websites and see what articles they publish. Choose the topics you seem perfect for your readers. You can re-write them based on your own perspective, or you can create a different angle to the story. The latter is preferable because the topics you get from other websites might already be one or two days old. Writing the topic on a different angle makes it look new and fresh.
Content Curation
Another great way to generate blog ideas, is content curation. This attracts a lot of readers because all the information and links they need are already in one place. You simply have to pick out fascinating contents featured on other sites. Write an introduction, enumerate these articles, and then create a closing paragraph. You may also opt to curate articles you have already published. This can help drive traffic to your old contents.
Alltop Website
Guy Kawasaki has been promoting this site, not because he is one of the prime movers,of Alltop, but because it is actually helpful to a bunch of bloggers. Alltop, collects interesting contents from different websites and post them on a simple website. Just read on hundreds of headlines and try to rewrite them to suit your site. You may even pick a headline and transform it by replacing the keywords. You can write in the same style, but with a different topic. Example, you can change “10 Great Ways to Cook Chicken” to “10 Great Ideas to Write Blogs.”
Reddit has become a wide and active community of people who loves sharing links and discussing topics. The people in this community are so active and creative that you can find a lot of topic ideas by simply lurking and reading their comments. Websites like Huffington Post often get contents from this site, which often becomes viral.
Topic Generators
Other bloggers say it is for lazy writers, but topic generators are actually the perfect tool to save time in choosing topics to write. Some of the well known topic generator tools are Hubspot Topic Generator and Link Bait Title Generator. Simply input the keywords and let the tool suggest topics for you. The suggested titles range from ridiculous to awesome topics, which you may alter to fit your prefrence. You may also pick a headline and change a few keywords to write a completely new topic.
Blogging might be easy if you have great writing skills, but when it comes to topic production, you really have to think outside the box to satisfy your readers. Online readers are always hungry for new contents and if you want to keep your blog at the top of the search engine ranking, you must constantly feed your readers with contents that will drive them wanting for more.
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